One thing I noticed was the mention of how Greg called his wife almost hourly just to say he "was busy." Hmm...sounded kinda insecure and clingy to me. Yet, this was upheld as a perfect behavior...desirable! It would make me rather ill to have a man calling that much.
Thats a relief to hear.
Ari. You are the first woman, out of literally thousands I've been in discussion with, who has demonstrated enough clear thinking to actually pick ANY fault in the book. The rest of the female population has followed it unthinkingly and blindly. A bunch of sheep that no intelligent man would ever be into.

For instance the book is encouragng women to raise their standards as yoy have said. But those standards are so far ito the troposphere already that raising them any more will put them out of reach of anyone but astronaults.

From the book!

He’s not into you Page 183
Setting your own standards for once.
Sure you say. But I have standards. (Greg)

The real truth
Well m dear. Have I got news for you. You haven’t. All the standards you think you have, about money, loyalty, family, health, relationships, men and pretty much everything else have been rammed down your throat by a combination of media advertising, corporate greed, family and peer group pressures, virtually everything but your own heart and head.
Your standards are not your standards at all.!
You have dumped decent guys and called them absolute barstards due to some petty almost infinitesimal fault and then found yourself with a genuine barstard when the decent guys stopped asking you. Yep, you listened to the girlfriends, or Greg, or anyone but your own heart and brain.
So here’s how you set your standards
Go back to the workbook on page 154 and list the five things you would really like in a man. Go to town! Reach for the stars.
Then list the five things that are absolutely essential in a man.
Now be careful here. Keep it realistic. When you want a millionaire for instance, be prepared for a guy who is too busy to call you from work and neglects you in all sorts of other ways too, simply because he’s busy. When you want a sporting star be prepared to cope with the horde of love letters from other girls who have no respect for your relationship. And be prepared to forgive the occasional fling too. Expect this list to overflow. Sorry Hun! You only get five. Save the overflows by all means but list them as “desirable and not essential.”
This is a matter of setting your standards, and those specific standards are yours. You are too individual to go working to any body else’s standards. Or any of the standards rammed down your throat by the media. This whole idea of “raising your standards” is ridiculous. You are getting into the whole realm of perfect men again.
You don’t raise your standards at all. You identify your particular wants and needs. You set your standards around those wants and needs, not around what Greg persistently tells you are your wants and needs. And that’s where you seek your man from.
Once again PERFECT MEN DO NOT EXIST. Even the perfect one for you is not a perfect man. He’s a “suitable one”

Every year, for example, the March of Dimes organization in Seattle hosts a March of Dimes Bid for Bachelors, where dates with bachelors are auctioned to the women. For the October 18, 1990, event, the chairwoman described the volunteer bachelors as "everyday kinds of guys." These "everyday kind of guys were an artist, a stock broker, a doctor, a hydroplane racer, businessmen and even a retired diplomat." Yea sure!

Finally list the five things that are absolutely intolerable. This is your junkie who, who has raped his own three year old daughter, etc. Don’t make the big mistake of listing petty stuff like snoring or breaking wind in elevators here or you will get a wife basher who doesn’t snore.

Those fifteen are your main guide for your next date, for your next, and hopefully, your final time.