You know, I KNOW the NOT INTO YOU book is full of fallacies. One thing I noticed was the mention of how Greg called his wife almost hourly just to say he "was busy." Hmm...sounded kinda insecure and clingy to me. Yet, this was upheld as a perfect behavior...desirable! It would make me rather ill to have a man calling that much.
On the other hand, for someone hurting and feeling rejection by someone I professed to love, the book gave me some temporary validation. I don't need to read it again, but will pass it on to another woman in my place if the circumstances present themselve.

While the book encourages a woman to raise her standards in the men she chooses to get to know, it does not validate singlehood as a desirable status, but simply as an interim till the dream man comes along. So, even by the time I had finished reading the book and gleaning what was a helpful kickstart to my diminished self-esteem, I knew I would not be following the prescription of man hunting as a primary goal.
There is benefit in solitude, especially after a hurtful attempt at intimacy, and in rebuilding peace of mind. That's where I am now.