We have to learn to sit back, enjoy the glorious women we are and wait for that special someone who will worship at our feet.
That elderley gentleman was not giving you good advice. He was being nice to you. He was telling you the kind of lies that give you a warm fuzzy feeling. And he was old enough to know it.
Just stop and think about what he said. "Special people" don't worship at anyones feet. Common people worship at their feet. So forget that.

Now! To the real nitty gritty.
Glorious women, superfox, high maintinance women. This is exactly what puts the guys off.
Try this section directly from the book

Not into you Page 8
Greg reminded us that we were all beautiful, smart, funny, women and we shouldn’t be wasting our time figuring out why a guy is not calling us.

===== Greg failed to mention that beautiful is the last on the list of desirable traits that real men seek. The other traits can be as undesirable as desirable. I note that Greg never used the word “horny” when he described the ladies. From a purely sexual point of view that’s a hundred times more important than “beautiful”. From a general point of view the most important characteristic of the lot is “likes men” Most women are actually so conditioned to man hating that even they aren’t aware of how bad they really are.
Smart is desirable. Smart ass is not. Funny ceases to be funny, in a hell of a hurry, if funny consists of a continuous stream of malicious jokes about men. To get some idea of how unfunny this sort of thing becomes, in a hurry, try spending a couple of days cracking nothing but blonde jokes and see how fast the blondes in the office lose their sense of humor.

Get both your nose, and your standards, out of the stratosphre and have a really good look at the good(not perfect) men all around you.