A beautiful life / ********** awaits you, one that is stress free, loving and genuine. And who deserves that more than you?
You may have noted that I have removedthe word "relatinship" Ari is coming to terms with a wrecked relationship and I can't think of much that would be cruler that promising her rainbows with pots of gold at the end of them
A beutiful life does await you but probably not a relationship. Only fifty percent of the population ever gets married and half of them get divorced. (Austrlian Bereau of Stats) I don't have accurate data for your age group but I think its only about one in eight women your age who are actually married. The rest are single, widowed, or divorced.
BUT!!!!! Almost all of them are happily widowed, single or divorced.
Theres a great site about this called Leather Spinsters. Yes I know it sounds like a bunch of man hating lesbians but it's nothing like that at all. I'ts motto is "Happily Single" and its a great site.