I felt I was "in love" with this man. He made it clear he was not in love with me...only feeling "concern" in the clinical sense.

I know I have to feel the pain of this and move on. It's just so hard!
You didn't tell me if this guy was divorced or not but, even if he is long term single then he's probably helped out a few divorced buddies.
So let me tell you about pain.

In Australia, post divorce trauma, leads one in thirteen divorced men to suicide. If that doesn’t sound like a high figure then consider that the suicide rate caused by post rape trauma is less than one in a hundred rape victims. Not only is divorce Australia’s biggest cause of suicide. It’s double all the rest of the suicide causes put together. It’s a body count equal to the national road toll. And the figures would be similar in the USA.
That’s the kind of trauma that you can’t even imagine but I’ll dwell on the issue of post rape trauma for comparison even if not a good one. Hypothetical! A girlfriend of yours is coming home from a hot date, dressed to the nines, in really sexy gear. She’s accosted in a back street and raped. In court the rapist comes out with the usual drivel that she was asking for it because the was wearing sexy clothing. The court dismisses that excuse and jails him anyway. Tell me this Lindsey, would you ever expect your friend, still suffering post rape trauma, to ever wear that same clothing again? Would you be surprised if she burned it? There’s your answer.

Any man, who has been directly, or even indrectly, burned by post divorce trauma is going to keep the committted relatinships at a distance. Casual ones yes. Committed ones no.
Is this starting to sound a little more like your intellectual friend?

Yes Araine I know you feel pain. But that pain has never had you seriously contemplating suicide has it? That's the pain of a divorced man.