Well, though he had told me in email and over the phone that he was not "in love" with me, I didn't get it, my feelings for him were so strong. Actually seeing his body language, his facial expressions, when he told me that in person this past weekend, is burned into my mind! Dear God, at the age of 54, I am so much beyond this kind of behavior. I actually rec'd an email message from him this evening saying he had no hard feelings for me, but it would not continue. I agreed. So, that is IT!!! I think some time alone is required from all of this, and that's not a bad thing. I need to assess my attitudes and behavior before meeting anyone else, IF there is to be anyone else. I have spent three years alone, and learned to like my own quiet company, working on my art abd studying the Bible. Before meeting this man, who said he believes in "nothing," I actually looked forward to getting in bed each night and reading the Bible. When we initially met, via the Internet, I shared that with him! I let that all go, giving my energy over to the relationship! I have returned to my nightly study and hope to regain my "balance" soon.