Hi, Unique, and all of you..
I didn't mean to ignore your message, Unique!
Yes, I think I went into this in good faith, and have really beaten myself up with it.
On a positive note, I woke up last night around 4:00 a.m. with a moment of clarity...seeing some of the things with this man which have transpired, and thinking,"That's not right!!!"
Also, I haven't mentioned this, but he is unemployed, going to school still, taking a class in physics. He quit his job, a high-paying one two years ago, and his wife gave him his "walking papers" (his words), saying she didn't want to "keep him in his old age." I, in my accommodating nature, have been very careful not to impose on him financially. He even responded to my profile on Yahoo because I gave my ID connection on EBay, from which we then began to get to know each other!
It is over three weeks now since I've seen this man in person, and I am just hoping that my healing and clear thinking will continue.
I plan to go to church on Sunday also.