My post was not to diminish the importance of your emotions or to encourage you to ignore them. However, I do believe it is enough to simply experience feelings while not necessarily acting on them.

As to finding Mr. Right by volunteering, it never worked for me. And I don't think JJ volunteers to find Mr. Right either. I think it makes her happy with herself because it's the right thing to do--for herself, her fellowman, and God.

"Finding a Man" might be like when I was a kid and we went to the fair. Mama always said if we got lost to just stand still. She knew where we had been and would re-trace her steps to find us. But if we wandered off trying to find her, there was no way she would never find us in the crowd.

Seems that way with men. If you're wandering everywhere looking for them, how are they ever going to find you in the crowd?

And hey, finding us is their job!!!