Chatty, I'm fine and certainly have very thick skin. I know what you mean when you say that you 'appear' to be the type that can be taken advantage of, then all hell breaks loose. I'm like that. I try. Probably have too many times and still dont get it. But, I try not to prejudge, especially based on someone else's wrongs. I try very hard to maintain that human beings can change and very hard to respect and appreciate indivisuallity.

I have become very withdrawn lately though. I guess I just need a rest before I stick my hand back out there...need to let it heal. This last young lady that stayed here was politely dismissed based soley on what SHE did. I asked for the advice to make sure that I wasn't missing anything. Unfortunately, I was missing what became a reality. She was a user. She only hurt herself.

Glad you're happy about your freedom. I understand your happiness. It's just that it's been so long since I've loved and been loved that I get these weak moments where I comtemplate...They pass when I run into a 'bore' like the one in question or worse.

Diane, you're right. See, the boogie man already looks more appealing. I alway laugh about that day. I just sat in the bathroom in the dark until I could finally stop laughing at my quest for the boogie man to come and rescue me. LOL.

You all have a blessed day,
