I am truly sorry for having been tough on you Sugaree. I mean no harm but perhaps need a lesson or two or three from Dotsie on the nice way to say things. I am a tell it like it is kind of gal who is harder on myself than anyone else. The anchor around my neck is gone and no matter what happens will stay gone. I have my house back and my life back. You see I know what needs to be done in most cases BUT I let my heart rule my head, by that I mean I feel sorry for people and am easy to take advantage of at times BUT then there comes the awakening and all hell breaks loose. As far as how you ever really know about a man, don't think you ever do. I plan to remain alone. Maybe date every now and then but thats it. My space is my space and good or bad thats the way it's staying. There are toooooooooooooo many snafoo's that come with looooooooove. DAH! Even the word makes my skin crawl.... [Mad] [Big Grin]