Sugaree, I have more experience with this type of worm/man than anyone. I've stroked the ego of thousands, (yes thousands) of these losers for years as their phone sex confidant. I, like the other women here am not so gentle with my advice. He is a worm, a selfish over-sexed maggot that knew your weakness and took full advantage. You on the other hand have become a sex addict as well and are trying your best to make it sound like something it is not. Nothing will ever change with this con man, nothing...Move on, pick up your marbels and go home. Buy a good vibrator if need be but run far and fast from this creep. This same type of asshole use to call me and brag about women like you, nice, good women looking for love and finding hot SEX, something they weren't use to....these men laughed at the women they talked about. Be happy he didn't give you something permanent, like HIV.....The truth isn't always nice and usually not pretty...sorry about that! [Mad]