Originally posted by chatty lady:

#1 I have squandered my lifes chances always looking for greener grass.

#2 I suppose I never thought I'd get old and become ill.

#3 I always felt there was someone or something wonderful ahead of me and I made some bad mistakes.

#4 Ever feel like you're between a rock and a hard place?

Chatty, I quoted and numbered the points I am addressing above.
#1, You have NOT squandered your chances. There are a million chances still ahead of you and you have a lot of life left. Weigh the risk and take the chances that will benefit YOU, not just in the future, but in the adventure of the moment.

#2, You may be ill, but you will be better soon. And you are certainly NOT old. In fact, you are one of the YOUNGEST people on this site. So don't leave your youthful spirit behind. We need your sweet cheerful voice. (and great recipes too)

#3, We have all made mistakes and there are still many someones and wonderful things ahead for all of us. You included. Just open eyes to it and you will see the wonder.

#4, We are all between a rock and a hard place. The only way out is to burrow under the rock to rest then climb out and FLY.

When you are on the bottom, the only way is up. And sometimes you have to touch the bottom in order to bounce off and come to the surface.

Before you can "get over" something like what you are experiencing you must "get past" it and the only to "get past" it is to "go through" it.
Don't fight the bad feelings, rest and let them happen. When they're over move on. The bad times will return, but each time you will be stronger and even in adversity you will thrive.

All that may sound trite, but I've been where you are. I have been flat on my back, bleeding and broken, in pain, facing multiple surgeries with no insurance, no money, no mate to help, and two children to support. I not only survived, with God's help, I thrived. You can too.
