
I wouldn't put dating away quite yet; perhaps you might consider different places to meet men. I met my husband at college and found some nice men in church. Also some social gatherings--places where you interests are more in sync with other men-- can be ways to meet some good men.

I can also say and I think other women here in the Forum might say, that when you meet the right man, your heart will practically 'jump' for joy! You will know deep down inside of you that he's the one for you.

Listen to the "little woman's" voice inside of you--your conscience--and you won't go wrong.

When I was making a decision between two men--on who to choose for marriage--I asked my father, what should I do? This may sound corny but with his advice and my heart speaking to me, I made my decision.

His advice was, "Who would you save, if both of them were drowning?" I thought for a moment and I loved both of them but I knew that I would save Roy because he was the one who needed me the most--and the one who loved and fought for me the most..

Hope this helps; for it helped me when I was struggling so bad....