
I've been in your position; although it's been a long time ago and perhaps you hit on something...

I, too, set aside (put away) several suitors because in most cases, I knew in my heart they were not for me. I'm not sure about your experiences, I can only speak for me...

I'm glad that I didn't get involved with most of them because their goals in life and their 'character' did not jive with mine.

After many years of waiting, I finally met the man I am now married to and it happened after a fervant prayer to God, seeking his help in finding a 'good man.' My prayer was answered the following day and I've been married to this good man for over 33 years.

Don't give up and if you think it might help, turn to God and seek His help.

This is only a suggestion and I give it to you because of what happened to me.

Let us know, if you want, what your future plans are for this?

Someone whose been there...