It appeared that this forum was needed. Now, no one is posting.

Well, let me tell you something anyway.

All praise to God, I woke up again this morning. I looked at my surroundings to assure myself that I was not still lost in the dream I'd had. I got up, tended to my hygiens...regular routine things. I went to the mirror one more time than usual though. I looked at me.

The reason I'd revisited myself in the mirror was due to the persisting thoughts of my dream. In my dream, I didn't trust anyone. There were several men that attempted to court me but I ran and ran and ran. I actually woke up tired!

So, instead of my normal routine, work on my projects, work, clean, et cetera, I called a man that had been persuing me for quite some time now.

I thought about all of the loving things he'd done to gain my attention. I thought about the things I'd do to dissuade him. I thought about how many 'I' pushed away in an effort NOT to feel anyone...or the pain that has persisted after each relationship.

Now I'm wondering if I'm single because of my many broken hearts. Was the last shatter the grand finale? How does one know this?
