Jeannine, You've said a mouthful and every word is correct in my estimation. Porn for the single person is a form of escape and satisfaction they might not ordinarily have BUT when it becomes a one sided issue in a marriage that takes away from that union it is an abomination, sick, like a rabid animal that should be destroyed...Now if a married couples union is a bit boring and they partake of porn together it can be helpful and fun for them as a couple. But alas all to often it is one-sided and takes away from the marriage bed. It drives a wedge consisting of sorrow, and a feeling of worthlessness in a woman whose husband deserts her emotionally and sometimes psychically to spend time with his 'fantasy partners.' Oh and you know what I do and the men I speak to, ALL OF THEM say convincingly, "its not really sex so whats the harm??" What in deed.

[ January 13, 2006, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]