Well, I thought it was fun to make his food! My son would come in, and say "MOM! you can smell that all the way down the block - I'm starving, you make stew for dinner?" (Sam loves stew!). He'd be so disappointed it was for Winston. LOL.

Flipperjo - you and your dogs are welcome any time - and I'm cookin'!!

Thanks, Chatty. Actually, there was flax in the 10 grain cereal, but I think it would have better if I had added the brewer's yeast.

One thing that was kinda funny - I learned his preferences for the kind of meat I was using. He preferred beef to chicken, and sometimes I would use pork which he really liked !!

Lionspaaw, I wonder if you could start out with just the grain - Chatty should know, ask her. Hey Chatty?


By the way, I learned that onions aren't good for dogs, so don't use those, but garlic is excellent!