Hey ya’ll, my Australian Sheppard has been really mischievous lately! I began night school again last week (one night a week) and have been studying. On weekends we usually have our long walks off the leash on an old country dirt road. This weekend, I was at the library writing a paper.

When I returned home from work last night at the normal time my dog had gone into the office and retrieved a disk enclosed in its case from a file laying on the file cabinet and chewed through the case! Now, that’s a lot of effort for him as he is usually a couch potato. Also, he chewed through a book I borrowed from the library which had been laying on my nightstand for about a week!

Ironically, the book is written by Dr. Laura Schlessinger and titled “Bad Childhood, Good Life”! Hmmm, there must be some deep issues!

I wonder if this is separation anxiety? Is he trying to tell me something?

In the past he does like to nose his way through the trash, I alleviated that issue by placing the trash under the kitchen cabinet and closing bathroom doors while away. But, he seems to remind me somewhat of my ex-husband in that he rummages through my book bag and retrieving items. Yet, my dog chews hand lotions, combs, chapstick, etc.

I’ve arranged for a dog walker on school nights and need to purchase a new computer, so I’ll be able to spend more time at home with the dog rather than leaving him at home while I’m at the library. Also, I should set aside 15 minutes a day play time so he knows I care – going back to school for my Masters is taking its toll on my animal "family"!

Wonder if there is anything else helpful?