Hello Friends,

Our family is CONSIDERING getting a dog. We have lived with dogs and cats our entire lives excpet the past 3 - 4 years and I have to admit I love the lack of shedding and no poop. [Roll Eyes]

Alas, the youngest is an animal lover and we are too except we are old enough now not to want to deal with the poop. I love walking barefoot in the grass! [Big Grin]

Anyway, we are consdering a sheltie or border collie. Any comments on training or living with this breed? Our son is six going on seven and loves dogs that are smaller (no labs) and are more on the quiet side (no jumping and slathering) You know, a real friend type dog.

We have always obtained our dogs from the SPCA but if we are looking for a specific breed, how do we find a breeder close by?

Any tips or info you would like to pass on about these breeds is greatly appreciated.

Lynn [Smile]