Hi Jack, Sammie The African Grey here. I bark like the dog, Diz, and then tell myself to shut up! I know how to make the sound of the door opening, the shades hitting the door and then, the door closing. I do everything in sequence.

But, I know WHEN I'm supposed to say certain words or sounds. When Dianne, our resident redhead is moving furniture or doing something that requires physical labor, I alway say "Phew!" I also root for my favorite team and say "Go Titans!" I throw kisses at Dianne and make smooching noises and of course, always tell her I love her. I have learned to sing, "Bird is the Word" (Dianne doesn't know where I learned that!) and I dance when I sing it. When she leaves the room I yell, "Dianne?" and she says "What?" in return so now I say both for her, just to save her vocal chords. Sometimes I throw in "Now What????" I don't know why she always laughs at me.

I have about a 60 word vocabulary and have a very interesting story about the day Dianne found me but my little feet get tired from typing so I'll save it for later. [Wink]