Is there a LINE?????

Dave has been known to drive to Wal-Mart, across two mountains, 15 miles one way at midnight, to buy Rings, our old cat now deceased, her favorite flavor of Bryers ice cream.

We're having a king size bed made so the dogs can sleep with us. I'm bartering wedding photography for the bed.

Zoe, our almost hairless especially in the wintertime, Devon Rex cat has an electric heating pad in her basket. The heating pad stays on 24/7/365.

Dave will buy that Japanese raw fish, what's it called?, for the cats. He'll buy it in a town 2+ hours away and bring it home on ice so it won't turn bad.

When I'm in town, I'll bring back 3 plain hamburgers for the dogs.

Where's the line? Who said there was a line? I hate to say it, but that's just plain dumb. I mean, there's so much cold comfort in the world that don't you just feel GOOD when you can give some warm comfort? If even to a animal?

Vickie - you just keep on loving that little fellow, be a good steward to God's critters and blessings on you for doing it!