Hi Jack, we haven't spoken to you before but our names are Reeta and Rosee and we are spoiled 7 year old Yorkshire Terriers. We have the run of the house and special chairs in moms car so we can see out the windows. We sleep with our mom too. She has a huge bed and so we can really stretch out. Today moms check came and our things were the first on the list. Our mom says she would not eat until we are fed. Since we're small and can't go out unless shes there, we have special piddle pads in case of emergencies.
We see our beautician every 5 weeks to remain breathtaking to the visitors we have. Oh yes, our mother works for orphan animals and finds them homes too. Right now we have a step sister staying here till she gets alittle older, her name is Tulip and shes a funny looking little dog mom calls a skunk. We have endured a donkey. numerous birds, a couple of goats and lots of dogs, cats and kittens. We don't mind sharing our space but are a bit fussy about the attention the OTHERS get. Mom says we are the Queens of the house.....nice to meet you Jack..... [Roll Eyes] [Razz]