I didn't click the link and thanks for sharing that it was infected! Whew! I have been doing some administrative sorta work on this particular computer and turned off some intricate parts of this firewall and virus protection down and even off at some points. Really, thanks.

Ok, back to infidelity...yes indeed, that article is true. I recalled feeling those very emotions as I read thru it. I recalled thinking that when I experienced it, it was an isolated incident and that I wouldn't let it destroy me. Little did I know, my mind archived that pain and took that 'baggage' into the next relationship. So, when incidents that threatened (true or not) and evoked similar feelings, I attacked first. I even cheated on the next thinking immaturally, "I'll get you first."

Yes, I did but lost more than I could ever understand with my weery mind. I didn't like it and longed for the relationship that would make me feel complete and whole and free of worries. I left that relationship, for more than those reasons, but have never really recovered from the sort of pain associated with those emotions.

Learning to trust is soooo hard. Never learning or the inability is sooo lonely. Thanks for sharing your perspective.


[ August 25, 2005, 02:38 AM: Message edited by: Sugaree ]