[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dotsie:
*My daughter and son are adopted from Korea. I love their dark hair and eyes. I can see the attraction, smile!
#### One method of determining race is by hair shape. By that criteria, there are only three major races, caucasoid-oval shaped hair, negroid-flat hair, and mongoloid-round hair. Oval hair waves, flat hair curls, and round hair is straight. Both American Indians and Asians have round straight hair and dark eyes and both are of the mongoloid race so the resemblance is obvious.

He flew to see me all over the United States and rescued me from all kinds of catastrophes.
*What a guy!
#### From bad marriages, when I was in terrible car accidents. when I had cancer, he always showed up. I remember being in a hospital bed and him just wandering in with his stethescope and sitting down on the bed to hold me.

She knew about me of course, but by then he had made millions and she chose to stay.
* Hm, imagine that!
##### Before he married her he told her he would always love me. I guess she was terrified to be pregnant and unmarried. Later there was some indication that the baby belonged to her step father.

He said, "you can bring your husband. I want to meet him and I want to dance with you just one more time."
*How romantic!

One day soon after that, I came in from shopping. My kids and my husband were waiting. They told me his plane had crashed and he and his wife had both been killed.
The whole class was at the funeral. I can hardly type remembering it. His partner gave the eulogy. Turned out he lives across the street from me and I had no idea. When he spoke, everything all added up. All the times when he had said he was leaving his wife for me, he had been doing exactly that and I hadn't believed him. It put me into a deep depression that wound up ending my marriage.
*You poor thing. No wonder.
#### With the help of my present husband, I'm finally getting past all that.

*His partner lived across the street from you?
#### Yes. He still does. I've only spoken of it to him once.

But even that was not the end. About a year later on Christmas Eve, the child he had raised who had been in trouble since junior high called friends to pick him up at the cemetery, went to his parent's grave and shot himself in the stomach then bled to death before the friends got there. By then the boy had a little baby girl so he destroyed her Chistmas forever. Even now it makes me angry.
*My God, how tragic.
##### It was so totally unbelievable. I don't think he intended to kill himself. If you intend to kill yourself, you probably shoot yourself in the head. I think he intended to get attention and his friends didn't show up as planned.

That's been about ten years ago and though it will always be a part of me, I think I am almost beyond it now. The husband I married last summer knows the whole story and seems to understand. He is nothing like the other guy except perhaps his smile and the way he affects me. I never intended to invest my heart again, but here I am.
* What the heck. Go for it. Love some more!
#### Exactly what I'm doing. There's probaly a song somewhere about how love's the only cure for a broken heart.
