Scorpio...your pain really saddens married daughter lives on the other side of the country and although she doesn't have children yet I feel that a part of me is missing each morning that I wake up and know that I can't see her today even if I wanted to...she promises me that they are waiting until they move back East to become pregnant...but I'm being realistic knowing what a mobile society we have become.My parents were a huge part of my kids lives and I want to a presence in my grandchildren's lives as well...I just don't know what the answer is...but my heart goes out to you in a very big they have a computer?maybe you can buy some webcams ..keep one for yourself and send one to the grandkids and have a regular time each day for them to "visit Grandma" on the computer...that way they can see you and you can see them while you talk...those cams aren't very expensive's just a thought...