All of us have sufferings. I lost my mother too. And my father. and then my Nichole. I now have an empty nest and am alone, within a few months. I feel as tho I am on planet WHAT? And my dog of 15 years died also. Woe is me.

But I remember losing my Mother. So very devastating. So painful. And it was sudden. A car accident. I remember my sister, brother, and I saying that now we were orphans. And that's just what we felt - even at adulthood. Little orphans.

I also remember at the very beginning of Nichole's illness, that we found her right eye was totally blind. We thought this was the time. Later, this was just a small problem...a very small problem. A teeny tiny problem. But still, at the time, it was horrible.

So I remember. How awful it was to lose a parent, and one eye of a child. And these were terrible things. And so they are. Truly terrible. And should be mourned as such.

Because, later, I lost Nichole, does not diminish what went before. Each grief is itself. Every grief is our own. It is true that the worst is the loss of a child, but that does not cloud the loss of a parent, a sibling, or a spouse. Anyone loved. No one should feel that their grief is less.

I compare it to this: Flipperjo knows that in North Dakota (NORTHERN North Dakota)temperatures can easily be 30 degrees below zero for the high of the day. AT these times, does it make a difference if it's 20 below? or 35 below? Not much. It still hurts. Cold is cold. Pain is pain. And we all need comfort. A warm fire, chicken soup, and someone to love us. This site has given us all.....