Not much for adventure. Need some type of permanence, though life isn't permanent we all know. Over the years we've tried everything that was feasible for the times. Everyone has come up with any number of ideas and they sound good but in reality they're only quick fixes. It's been difficult trying to explain my situation because people say I'm very negative and I'm sure I sound that way. But all of these suggestions are only for short periods. There is no constancy or continuity. You turn around and then the trip or visit is over, whether it's a week or a month or two. Neither of us can be gone from our homes for too long for practical reasons either.
You see, what I'm trying to say is I want the life that allows me to see the grandchildren for their birthdays, for Christmas, at their dance recitals and mini graduations. I want to play dolls with them and read good books out loud. I want to babysit and have them over for dinner or to bake cookies. My husband would like to work on projects with our son on the house. We'd like to see our two sons together. We want to build a dollhouse or take our grandson to the park. Normal things. After years of raising our sons and working, we thought this would be the time we'd reap some rewards. Family life can't be spent in planned trips or heavyhearted goodbyes. As the kids grow and their lives become busier, there will be less time to spend with them. We were once a very closeknit family. Now we're all disconnected and feel like strangers. You're all so kind. I guess I will have to accept what fate has given me. There is no answer that will not result in more heartache. It has been good venting. It clears my head up a bit. Thanks for listening.