Well. I think my computer's moral police is on duty. What I mean by that is it seems that every time I try to write an email or post something that even remotely sounds like whining....it seems to vanish into cyber-space, never to be seen again! That said....I had this post all but finished and I Lost It! Oh well. Perhaps there was a good reason for it. Anyway.

I wanted to say hello to you Scorpio. I noticed that you are in New York---me too! I worry about being rejected also. I don't want to complain about my life too much but I have had enough stuff go wrong in my life that sometimes I need to talk it out. It's not like I never have anything positive to talk about. But all too often people will turn away from me if I mention too much of the bad stuff. And since I'm on that subject...when my son died Nobody would let me cry. Was that fair? They were uncomfortable with my grief....Well I wasn't exactly feeling comfortable with it either. It's not like I had any prior experience! You know? But hey, I worked in a car wash at the time and let me tell you when that shampooer was running nobody could hear me and so that's when I cried and I was as loud as I needed to be. And since nobody was inside the car with me they didn't have to be uncomfortable with my pain anymore. I took care of my problem the same as I always did....all by myself. I have found a few friends that will let me be in whatever emotional state I need to be and I return the favor. So if you or anybody else needs someone like that....I'm here for you.
I really do care.