I so agree with Eagle Heart when she said that "we teach people how to treat us"...I spent my first fifty years treating people the way that I wanted to be treated...but I realize now that by always being sweet and accepting rude behavior by excusing it I had become a doormat...I intend to spend my second fifty years still being sweet...but "sweet with a backbone" if you get my meaning...I'm no longer going to excuse rude behavior just so as not to make waves...
Ladybug..you are so thoughtful to worry so about your brother's friend..I am sure being with you on Christmas will be such a blessing to him..
Chatty...how long ago did you make those extra sandwiches for your BIL? I'll bet just thinking about it today makes you wish you had told him to stop at Burger King on the way home as well!!!
There is just no excuse for anyone to arrive late to a planned meal...How Rude!!!!