My elderly neighbor has a subscription to this weekly magazine. When she's done with them she passes them on to me. Right now a bunch of them are in a large paper bag waiting to be recycled to my next elderly friend who loves them. That lady passes them on to a younger woman who also loves them.

When my neighbor first started giving me these magazines four years ago I would thumb through them, now I barely give them a glance.

I don't like this magazine at all. Why?
On one page you've got endless recipes for tantalizing dishes complete with pictures. It's enough to send any sane woman barreling to the refrigerator. On the next page and countless pages after that are diet tips and stories on how women "battled the bulge." It's as if these two counter forces are challenging women to eat and diet. It's like setting women up for a no-win situation.

If that's not bad enough for you there are the lurid questions about sex. Do women really ask such prurient questions or do the mags themselves make these up? I once passed on these mags to a fellow boomer. She later told me she screened them before passing them on to her then, 22 year old daughter. She also thought the sex questions were a bit too much and in poor taste. She declined any further issues I offered to her.

I really wonder why my 82 year old neighbor likes this magazine. It borders on trash. I guess I and my other boomer friend are in the minority on this one. Are there any of you who have read and liked this magazine? I won't stone you, I'm just wondering if I am missing something or being a total prude?