Di now you've hit the nail right on the head. You like doing laundry so why not put a small ad in your local shopper that you "wash, fluff and fold" laundry and see what happens, have them drop it off and pick it up, cash only, no checks... Now if you iron thats a plus....So far as not having any kids, sweetheart the holidays have centered around the children for as long as there were holidays. It may be insensitive to those without any but thats just the way it is, sad but true. Now what is this about only two not being a family, bolderdash and pish tosh, one alone can be a family and thats the truth. Your home needs to be adorned for the holidays because you count and it will make you feel happier, your home will feel the love too, LOL. Bake some cookies, get the place smelling like Christmas and enjoy yourself and your spouse. Your afraid of him going before you so make the most of the time you do have together, you can do that even though none of has control of who goes or when. Stop wasting your life worrying ang pouting and get off your kiester and enjoy life while you can, God woman 48 is so young, wish I was 48 again. Fun and happiness is contagious and maybe people will want to come around more. Have happy holidays, my prayers are that you do....you deserve to. [Razz]

[ November 23, 2005, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]