Hi Renee, thanks for the kind words on the hair advice. No, I'm not a hairdresser, just a 56 year old woman striving to pry that bottle of ultra-hold hairspray out of the hands of mature women...The last time in to the salon, I'm sitting in the chair, telling my hairdresser exactly what I want, as to cut, and of course, chatting with a number of women waiting ...as I left, and another woman around my age took the chair I had just vacated, I heard her say to the stylist, 'I want something like you just gave her'. That something was a soft, layered cut. Good length as to bangs, if I desire them, but great swept to the side as well. I prefer slightly longer layers for great movement, in a medium length style.

Oh, we live just ouside Atlanta, two transplanted Yankees.
Jeannine Schenewerk

[i]'It's never too late in Fiction-- or in Life to Revise.'
---Nancy Thayer