I've been coloring my hair for ages.

My hair is so fine that the coloring process adds some body, says my hair stylist.

Vicki: I've been going to the same lady for over ten years. It took me about six months to break her in. So, I don't envy you, Vicki. But then, you might find someone you like better.

I've been dealing with a trying-to-grow-out-short-layers hairdo. It's almost where I want it. Now, I have long layers in the back, with feathering around my face. The back just touches my collar. I love it!

For most of my life, I wore my hair long. During my thirties, I wore it in a bun with tendrils or in a french braid. I loved that, too.

But as I get older, I think "shortish" suits me best.

I love topics like this!

Emily in Maryland