I think we had a big old discussion in the forum around last Summer or so about hairstyles - since then I've sort of changed mine....my hair has thinned a lot as I got into my 50s so long was OUT. Long, stringy hair is not exactly attractive and mine's baby fine on top of that! SO - I have shorter hair - still long layers but it's well above my shoulders. I wear bangs too because I have a high forehead. Three weeks ago I broke down and got a body perm which I'm SOOOOOO happy with - - - added a LOT of bulk to my hair. For the first time in probably 20 years I actually LIKE my hair!

By the way Dianne, if my hair was thicker like you say yours is, I MIGHT be tempted to let it grow out at least to my shoulders or even a tiny bit longer - - - ponytails are SO cute!