TV- in answer to your dilemma I will drop in here the end part of a story I wrote about my writing.

"Now, I finally feel like a writer. The funny thing is, I was a writer all along, but didn’t realize it.
Writing is being a writer. Whether you write fiction, non-fiction, essays, journals, memoirs, poetry, for profit or for your own pleasure, if you are writing, you’re a writer. You can do the grammar checks, the spelling, and the tweaking that perfects it and makes it ready for publication later. Your best work will come from the re-writing. Payment for our work is ideal, but money is not what makes us writers. It is how writers make a living from their craft.
Writing comes from within us. Getting the words out and expressing our thoughts through our written words is truly what makes us writers." [Smile]

So, you are a writer.
Hope it helps.