You write. You are a writer. Period! You do NOT have to be published to be a writer. I have a friend who writes some of the most beautiful stories I've ever read but she refuses to submit them. Says she writes because it completes her.

You are also a woman. Does this mean that you are half a woman? Not as good as other women? Heck no! You are a COMPLETE woman.

You are a Mother. Does this mean that you are not quite as good as other Mother's? I think NOT!

You are .... see where I'm going here hon? You are whatever you believe yourself to be. You write, therefore you are a writer.

Unless this woman is Mary Higgins Clark or Danielle Steel, then I wouldn't give it a second thought. Don't you think she had to start somewhere too? And by the way, for all you know, she may be the WORST writer you've ever

This connection sounds as though it was a blessing, a gift to you. Why not accept it and see where it takes you? And when someone says, "'re a writer" you answer, "Oh yes, I am! I love to write, don't you?"

If all of this fails, then wash your son's stuff in with something pink. He'll learn.