We have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, steamed shrimp on Good Friday and then fresh ham with all the fixings (just the same as Christmas and Thanksgiving--sauerkraut, corn, mashed potatoes, gravy, Waldorf salad, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, dressing) and I usually have fresh asparagus and fresh strawberries. Of course, we always HAD an Easter basket hunt when we were small, but now we do an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Every parent or grandparent brings a big egg with their chikld's name on it and either a special item or money inside and that child is the only one allowed to find that egg, but we hide about 300 small ones with pennies and candy in them and they (there are about 15 kids)hunt until we have them all (supposedly). I usually am greeted at the door for days by my Chesapeake Bay retrievers with eggs, but hey--they gotta have fun, too!!

Easter is kind of a mixed bag for me. My husband died three years ago this Saturday and so Easter week is pretty melancholy for me now.

Also, I can't do the whole Easter thing this time because of my elders that are ill, so it will be very small--just my Dad and I probably, as my husband's and my niece is doing his side of the family this time.

Hope you all have a great Easter....