Add to that list the people who don't flush at all. And this would be because? I want to follow them out of the restroom and shout "Hey, see this person? They don't flush!"

And also the women who go in one stall, and let their two little (under the page of 5) darlings go in another one while there is a line of 10 women waiting to go. Oh I'm not saying they shouldn't go, but 9 times out of ten, these little snots are playing, stopping up the toliet and doing other things while Mamma is standing at the mirror checking for wrinkles and gray hairs...all of which I hope she gets. All I ask is that they pay attention to their children. Is that so much? And NO, I don't think it's funny when they take their children in the stall with them, and they peek underneath the stall to look at you. Puleaasee