Is anyone else here hearing way too much about their friend's various symptoms?

Maybe it's just me, by my friends are driving me nuts. They call with lenghty descriptions of their sinuses and their urinary tracts and their digestive systems. The worst is the long winded descriptions of various bodily secretions.


Call me insensitive, but I'm sick of hearing how many pills people are taking and I don't want to know if the dose has changed. I'm unconcerned about hot flashes and I don't want to know that anybody's husband has started on Viagra. I just don't care what is draining from their sinuses and I certainly don't want to know that they are urinating frequently or the color of their stools.

The last time I had a party, I discovered that my friends are all way too sick to have any fun. I was ready to get a hospital to cater the darned thing. The diabetics couldn't eat sweets, the alcoholics couldn't tolerate alcohol, the smokers wanted to smoke in my house, those with allergies couldn't tolerate smoke, the hypertensives couldn't eat fats, and those on diets (which was almost everyone) couldn't eat anything. It looked like the only way we could enjoy a meal together was to insert IV's.

If someone is seriously ill, I'm a willing listner, but surely there is something more interesting for perfectly healthy people to discuss than body parts.
