i'm going to be very blunt here -- so please take it as loving bluntness and NOT as criticism -- just my two cents worth [Smile]

life's too short to be unhappy !!!

you're only stupid if you feel you are -- and if you feel you are -- then change what makes you feel that way

don't use the kids as an excuse to be abused -- they can still call you -- visit you -- write to you -- share holidays with you -- just like you could if you were married with children and got a divorce -- leaving him has nothing to do with leaving them and LET THEM KNOW THAT

no one is going to tell you anything you don't already know -- and getting "permission" from others to do what you know you should have done long ago isn't going to do it either -- until you KNOW in your heart what the Lord already knows -- YOU ARE WORTHY -- there is nothing that will convince you to move on --

so come vent in the forum with family -- and believe me when i say THESE LADIES will make you feel worthy very soon [Big Grin] -- and when they've got you to the point of looking in the mirror and saying -- Hey !!! I deserve better than this !! you'll know what's best for YOU [Big Grin]