Thanks Garrie for your encouraging words!
He was at one point living with me, he moved out around May at my suggestion, all we did was fight. [Frown]
We dont have any children together, actually nothing that ties us together. I am however very fond of his children, I love them as they are my own but that is not enough to stay together.
He is the kind of person that everything is someone else's fault, he is a big child, temper tantrums included when people dont do or act the way HE thinks they should. Alot of poor mes.
I dont understand why it is so difficult to let go, just walk away.
My friends tell me all the time why do you stay with him, you could do better. And I say I guess I am just stupid, and I feel like that alot of times. Especially when I allow him to hurt my feelings.
Well hopefully between counseling and God I will find the strengthen to make to the right and final decision.
Thank you again for you wonderful advise!