Ms. K,
I'm proud of you too! Unfortunately, child rearing doesn't come with a set of instructions. So...because of this, we develop 20/20 hindsight. We do the best we can and hope that the foundation we laid out for them kicks in at some point. That and prayer are all one needs, if you ask me. THEY have to start living their life at some point, and THEY have to take the responsibility for their actions too. We did...they should too. When my sons come to me with a problem, I usually say "what would YOU do if I weren't here?" They always have an answer. It may not be the one they want, but it is usually the RIGHT answer. I make it sound so easy. It isn't. They also fail from time to time. But isn't that part of it? I also tell my children that if they are doing the best they can, and they still need help, then I am there, but only after they have helped themselves. I could have gotten dogs, but nooooo....I just had to have children....