Computers always encourage whining at my house. Mine died awhile back because of some hacker getting his jollies by sending viruses to cook hard drives. And my kids whine about whose turn it is to be on the computer. My whine for the day....I spend the entire weekend trying to fix leaks. My central air unit is leaking and I awoke to puddles on the carpet in the basement.
This is the same carpet that I had to replace after the water heater went up a few months ago....and then the filter on my pool exploded and 10000 gallons of water poured out of my pool and into the yard. I spent two days trying to repair the filter, finally got it back together, it ran for 5 minutes and then blew again. This single mother, home repair shit is for the birds.
Is it possible that we can restore the practice of indentured servitude....I could import some studdly, handyman from Eastern Europe or somewhere and he can just meet all my needs for me. What do you think?