Way to go, gals!

That uneven scarf? The cast on and cast off ends tend to flare. So cast on a few fewer stitches and knit the first two and last two stitches together on the first row. Increase the number of stitches in the next couple of rows, and then continue on. Decrease the stitches the same way. Then cast off the first two and last two stitches together. That gives you nice square corners.

Did your teacher show you how to slip the first sticth? If not, instead of knitting the first stitch on each row, slip it from the left to the right needle, unknit. Then start knitting into the second stitch. This gives you a nice smooth edge.

Hope that makes sense??

I've thought of changing my name to MossStitch, but that one's a real pain-in-the-yarn. [Razz]