Nancy50 -- I do more yarn buying than yarn knitting. [Wink]

If you get bitten by the yarn bug, you won't need to be pressured into buying stuff. You'll automatically begin accumulating your Knitter's Stash. You'll see a color or texture or a pattern and before long you're sneaking yet another bag of yarn into the house when nobody's looking. Or you'll be standing there looking at plain navy blue acrylic and a total stranger will begin gushing over fuscia and lime green mohair and somehow you'll walk out with a bag of turquoise and burgundy silk AND a new knitting buddy.

Seriously, tho. And this is based on what I've seen happen many times. After you take your first lessons, try not to trade that for on-going free help. If you get to a point in your knitting when you can't figure out what to do, arrange for another paid lesson. A question about reading a pattern is ok. Taking in your knitting because you just can't figure out what's wrong is usually ok. But if your problem will require more than a few minutes of the shop owner's time, ask for a paid lesson. The shop owner will love you.