Hi Bead Angel!

When people ask you why you're not married yet just politely change the subject if it makes you uncomfortable. I was 24 and my husband 31 when we got married over 30 years ago. We dated for three and a half years first, so we were very ready for marriage. Marriage is a serious matter so if you feel you're not ready for it you shouldn't do it.

So, how is the weather in Singapore today? How do you prepare for Christmas?

It took my dear friend almost two years to finally get her adopted daughter from Beijing last August. The little girl was found abandoned in a field by a farmer. The little girl is three years old and has a serious cleft palate which my friend is having fixed for her. My cousin's daughter has two little girls that she adopted from China as well. They are all sweet, beautiful children and loved very much by their new parents.

I hope you have a good day and let me know how you are!