I'm not a scrapper myself, but the idea of using a wallpaper book intrigued me.

Seems like all you would need is the free wallpaper book and some water and a marker to make an interesting book. You could glue things together with water if they are pre-glued paper And if you wanted double sided pages you could take it apart and glue the pages together. You could cut out the patterns and glue them onto the plainer pages for decoration and use use borders and stripes to outline photos.

You could write on the cutouts and glue whatever you like on the front and back of the book and the spine to make it really fun.

It might at least be different. Might be especially nice if you used the scraps from a room you've papered. Maybe a good project for kids too.

Gee, that almost got me off the couch to the wallpaper store. But not quite.
