well my thoughts on Martha Stewart is --

honestly -- between us girls -- is there anyone that would honestly say that if they were in her shoes -- we wouldnt have done the same thing ?

now the guy who gave her the info was the one breaking the law -- he was truly using inside trading secrets to save his money and he shouldnt have told anyone about it -- but if someone told me that they would advise strongly i sold my stock that was going to lose me a million or two if i didnt -- i really think i would sell !!!

and HEY -- what about all these male CEO's that are stealing millions from these companies and ruining peoples lives -- Stewart didn't take peoples life savings and retirement funds and use them for her own pleasure -- she sold some of her own stock on a tip -- course -- not being a wall streeter -- maybe that hurt others that i'm not aware of -- and if that's the case -- then she should pay the toll.

do i think she was RIGHT -- absolutely NO -- but do i think she did something i wouldn't -- i really can't say she did

anyone have a couple of mill they can loan me so i can find out [Wink]