Ms C,
I think first of all you must have been terribly exhausted. I don't believe for one minute that you would NOT have awakened (is that a word?) if you knew your husband was in danger. Your body gave out and you needed sleep. Period. I don't think you should be so hard on yourself, or think you were casting him to his own fate. You are not that kind of person hon...
not at all. Try remembering what you did that day that exhausted your mental resources and sit him down and calmly explain it all to him. Love heals and I believe if you both talk about

1) what lead him to the attack
2) what lead you to your exhaustion

then you can both see it was no one's fault. I'm so sorry this happened to him, and to you. But please don't think of yourself as failing him. It sounds like to me that no one was to need to communicate here. With love, compassion (on both parts) and understanding. I will of course, pray for you both. JJ