Originally posted by Lori Hein:
Visiting a new land and being welcomed by its people is one of life's richest gifts...embracing differences as enriching opportunities...there is no "they." We're all "us."...find a common bond that makes hate impossible. Travel is the best way I know to wipe out hate.

Amen to all that! I'm an avid believer in unity in diversity, and that traveling anywhere, even within one's own community, with open eyes opens our hearts to believe in the possibility that the differences we encounter in other people can enrich us (e.g., challenge our "my way or no way" philosophies) and unite us (in that mutual, universal struggle to be who we believe we can be). Unfortunately we are quick to view many of these inconvenient differences as "inferior and intolerable" barriers that make us uncomfortable and end up dividing and alienating us from each other.

[/QB] From Jawjaw: If its illegal for us to visit Cuba, how do you do it? [/QB]
It's not illegal for Canadians to visit Cuba.